So you want to start a project in Expo, you are running Windows and WSL2, you follow the instructions and create you application like so:
$ npm install --global eas-cli
$ npx create-expo-app myExpoApp
$ cd myExpoApp
$ eas init --id your-id-here
Then as per the instructions on the `` you run:
$ npm install
$ npx expo start
And you are presented with the following screen:

Great! Let’s scan the barcode and we should be up and running! But, No! You are presented with this:

This is my solution to get around this issue:
$ npx expo start --tunnel
But rather than entering this every time, I update my package.json with an entry for `start-wsl`

$ npm run-script start-wsl
If you are wondering why I don’t just update start
to include --tunnel
it is because not everyone in my team is going to be using WSL2 and I don’t want to annoy those on Windows without WSL2, nor those on linux or MacOS.
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